Tools And Appz.
Everest Home
Everest Home Addition Download Link
If you ever wanted to know stuff about your computer, then this is it! Start up this App and you will know everything that
is on, or in your PC. Get it!
Process XP
This is great program that is basically like Windows Task Manager, except full on. Wonder what that process is? Well find
Safe Xp, Download Link
SafeXp is a great tool for turning windows programs on or off. It has all sort of security features and even lets you turn
off MSN Messenger for good. Does too much to say, definately worth checking out. SafeXP works with Win 98 and up. It also
makes a backup incase you don't like something you did, or can't get access to something.
Great program!!
Daemon Tools
Daemon Tools Download Link
This program is a virtual DVD/CD drive, that will load most popular CD image files. It will not open Nero images and a couple
others, but is still a great free program.
Fast Stone Image Viewer
FastStone Image Viewer Download Link
I ran across this program one day because I couldn't open a certain image. It is rather small file considering what it does.
It can open any popular image type, plus many more no ones heard ever of. It has an excellent interface that allows you to
browse any picture on your hard drive, allows you to move and rename and view slide shows etc. It lets you change the file
type, ie. .jpg > .bat . It has many cool editing tricks you can do plus much more! Definately check this out, it has a
great feel to it!
End It All 2
EndItAll 2 Download Link
End It All 2 is another great tool that does what it says. You can literally close down all non essential programs with tool,
or kill pesky programs that won't go away. This comes in handy when having to install stuff, or run scandisk, so you dont
have to close them all manually. Unfortunately the makers of End It All have decided they want to start charging money for
it. I would rather close things manually! Fortunately there are a few sites where you can still find it though less and less.
If this link becomes BUNK, please let me know so I can End it!
DOSBox 0.63
DOSBox Download Link
Although I have not personally used DOSBox, I have heard through the grapevine that it works great and is always updated.
This DOS emulator makes it possible to play older games from the DOS days. This Download link is to the actual site and has
more optional tools you can download. Have fun!
CCleaner Download Link
Crap Cleaner does exactly what it says. It cleans out Windows crap files! Not only does it clean it out, but it does it quickly.
It also cleans applications like Firefow/Mozilla, adobe, office, kazaa search history, and multimedia crap. Of course it allows
you to choose what you want cleaned and even when. As a test I first used Windows Disk Cleanup, Then CCleaner and it cleaned
up an additional 7.3MB. Normally you need to pay for tools like this, get it now!